EPISODE: Episode 21
Jalen “Sky Walker” Walker, a budding 19-year-old southpaw featherweight who is 7-0, with 6 knockouts.
Hello talking fans around the world.
Thank you once again for joining us on knuckle up with mike moore at board.
Here on talk and fight, we’ve got yet another great episode lined up with one of our heroes in the boxing world.
Some guy gave it all uh.
Last week, over at ring city at west point well mike, why don’t you take it over from here? Definitely fight fans.
We got him in the studio, we’re talking about jalen, skye walker 801 and compiled an amazing amateur record of 1813 uh three-time pal champ two-time silver adidas nationals champion two-time silver junior olympics champ.
Let’S get him in the studio man.
Let’S talk to him.
This is jalen.
Scott walker see you later, graham knock me out.
What’S going on jalen uh, not much just right, yo thanks thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule, i know you’re coming fresh off a fight last weekend uh, i guess you’re in your healing stages, your recovery stages just resting it up.
Um yeah man uh.
Thank you again for coming out making the time to come on the show.
I know our fans are gon na.
Be super excited.
I’M excited uh, let’s get right into it.
So what age did you start boxing for man? I started boxing at the age of seven, seven years old, seven years old, wow, that’s that’s pretty young uh.
So what uh? What like did you get pushed to get into it? Did you do it because of family uh? You could say because of family.
My dad was a boxing and everything my dad did.
I wanted to do right, so you want to follow the footsteps that dad looked up to okay.
Okay, so i guess that’s one of your inspirations to get into boxing.
So was he one of your inspirations? To start competing as well yeah and what age did you start competing? Can you say that, again, what age did you start competing eight years old, eight years old, hey wow, i didn’t know you could compete so young man like how.
How is he competing at that age? Is it you know like? Is it more fun? Is it stressful? Is it scary? It’S more scary.
It’S more scary.
I guess your nerves are going through.
You know just running through you, ain’t going crazy um.
I guess it’s hard to settle nerves at that age.
What um so you compiled this amazing amateur record of 108 wins 13 losses.
You know you got your two silvers at the junior olympics um.
You know your three-time pal champ, two-time silver adidas nationals um.
How did you manage to you know juggle that and and your academics uh been early stages? It was easy, but when i got in high school around the 10th grade, it got harder.
So i chose to uh, do homeschooling from 10th grade on all the way till i graduated, because i was traveling too much and it was the training was getting harder.
I was in there with pros and i had to dedicate more time.
You know wow homeschooling.
What uh, what can can you describe that to people out there like a lot of people? Don’T really know the home school thing with, so is it like you, you have somebody come to your house, or is it talk about your parents um? I went to a school like i’ll pick up my stuff at the school.
You know at a high school fill out all my package turn it once a week and i get my credits.
Oh that’s awesome.
So it was easy.
It was easy to juggle boxing and and do it that way, then it made it a little easier in your life right, yeah, much easier.
You don’t want to be weight, cutting you know being at school, tired and stuff to do a test, and you got to worry about losing weight, wow yeah.
So definitely is it hard to cut weight like um? Is it hard to make weight? Does it take you a long time? Oh, it doesn’t take me a long time, but it’s not a walk in the park.
[ Laughter ].
So so i guess you got to change your eating habits and all that kind of stuff too, when you’re, when you’re cutting weight right yeah.
Do you follow like a strict nutritional plan? Um, i will say straight nutrition, um plan, but i’ll say it’s more like a calorie um deficit, eating less eating less and working more and weighing myself.
As often as i can you know like, i could get 10 pounds off real easy.
No, i need to learn your secret um.
So um, do you remember your first amateur fight, yep run us through the feeling that you had the first time you stepped in there to fight somebody all right.
First time it was 2010 around the summer time of may yeah.
There was a at this uh old boxing community center, where my dad’s, the boxer and the guy i fought.
We were both.
We both didn’t have fights, we were the same age didn’t have fights, but our guys they was like you know, kind of box you’re like oh yo, some boxes, myself bikes, i let them have their first fight, we’re gon na fight them.
So we went in there.
I want the fight, but i just remember, being nervous, as hell man nervous that i i didn’t even know what to do.
Like nervous went in there just throwing punches swinging and stuff.
I guess the round was a minute.
I don’t.
I don’t even know how the hell i want to fight.
I can’t even remember that, but you know, like i didn’t know like this, is what makes me want to fight.
I thought, like you know what i thought it was.
I thought being in a red corner means you’re, going to win this day and being in the blue corner like on sunday means you’re going to win: okay, okay, okay, um.
What what um! So in this, in this amazing amateur period that you had went on a few years, because i believe you turned pro what uh 2019 yeah okay.
So what was your greatest athlete? Your greatest accomplishment, as as an amateur? Do you feel is your greatest.
Our greatest greatest feeling to me was when i wanted to silver gloves at 8 years old.
I know i want bigger things than that, but when i went to every little districts in 2010 it was a very special moment for me, because i had an arch rival, omar torres and omar torres.
We fought four times the first two times he beat me, but the second time he beat me.
I thought it was a robbery, so we fought for the third time.
I beat him and then about maybe a month later we met in the finals of the silver gloves and i beat him and i was like the greatest feeling in the world.
Man just felt like it’s like rocky feel, like rocky being apollo crew, thursday.
That’S excellent! That’S a great view: hey you can find youtube.
Yeah, yeah i’ll, definitely look forward for sure.
I’Ve seen a lot of your fights on youtube.
I’Ll! Definitely, look for that! One man um, so the transition from from going from amateur to pro um.
Can you run us through that process and and like how the training changed and how how how you change, i guess, as is getting serious into it.
Well, when i was 15 years old, i lost in uh usa nationals.
I believe i was like 14 pounds at the time i lost in the semifinals and what was happening with our culture wasn’t going well, we didn’t like the style and stuff.
Let me switch, but then i ended up getting with pro trainer named jabal abdullah like right.
When i turned 16 like i was in the gym, because my birthday january 1st, i was in the gym, you know right by christmas and then right when i hit 16, that dude started training me, and this is the time where i stopped uh.
I started doing homeschooling and stuff and i was in there with a whole bunch of pro with that.
It was like an easy transition for me already, but i was already i was in there at the rock boxing club, seeing the pros you know get down in the rain chrome in so that that was a big hope, and that was i guess, that kind of Opened up your eyes to show you that you could do this when you were standing in there and you know holding your own with these pros in the ring, it was stupid.
Looking back at it, i was 16 years old in there with a grown man about 30 years old, knocking dudes out, left and right, and i was beating up on these guys.
Stopping them, like you know like really stopping these guys, but i’m like stupid, because one punch could have changed everything, [ Laughter ], because i’m telling you all chrome management is different.
Even my last fight when a guy is like in his mid 20s late 30s.
It’S a difference.
It’S a different than being a teenager.
So do you do you find you find that difference makes you kind of like slow down and like slow? How many fights you try to have in a year like? Does it i’m trying to have it? It doesn’t slow me down, it, doesn’t slow you down, you just don’t care you’re, just like yeah, let’s get in and bang it out and i’m gon na bang you up, that’s it yeah.
I could take a hit.
You know i got dogging me yeah.
Definitely, definitely you could take, i saw you take some hits in that last fight and you just ate them and you ate them and walked through would have dropped some men, you know, and you just kept on.
You know that perseverance and heart and drive you have is is definitely definitely shows man, that’s for sure, um! That’S where i could put it.
I showed my championship part of me, my champion: yeah, okay, okay, that’s your greatest! Okay, hey! Let’S say this: a lot of guys are fun and amateurs a lot of guys uh.
Do you see this right here? It says like a private chat yep.
I think it was a question that somebody’s asking during this interview.
How do you deal with the older generation that they want to know like what foreign, as in as when you’re in the ring fighting them? How do you deal with the people that have older? You know that are older and have that older strength that you were just talking about.
Oh my [ __ ] did the opposite.
When i did my last fight [ Laughter ], which was talking about yeah, you know like what what what wrong with me was.
I was trying to bully an older man in the ring.
You know wait the way i see it.
You hadn’t you had in the first three rounds in that last fight, yeah.
The first three rounds were all you and it’s almost like it’s almost like he.
He turned on a different gear and you kind of were just staying around the same and you just you were kind of coasting a little bit after the third right yeah.
Well, i was still right there too long.
I was trying to bully a ground.
I was trying to hold another older guy and that’s what went wrong.
It was looking back at it.
I’M grateful for this.
I’M grateful for uh that fight, because i learned i learned so much from it and it showed the heart didn’t show.
You know, like the champion pedigree, that i have you know so: um transition, first fight, first fight as a pro uh you’ve been sp.
You were sparring all these guys, uh.
You know that are pros.
Did it make it easy? Did it calm your nerves, for when you went uh for you went for your first pro fight by the experience that you were getting inspired, or were you still nervous to sell your first pro fight? First profile, slight nerves, but i wasn’t worried about it.
You know.
I was in there with big punchers guys that couldn’t my head off, so i wasn’t worried about that.
All right! Um! Do you um, so you just came off your fight.
Uh! You practiced you you’re planning on fighting in you know the summer time.
Where do you do you have any like short-term goals? Anything you like.
What do you want to accomplish in say the next year or so i want to be a champion.
I want to be a champion at 20.
uh, this fight right here, it’s a little bump in the road.
Well, i won’t say about this: you see a pothole, you got ta, you know clean it up the next fight, but i want to be the greatest.
You know i want to go down as like chavez senior and play mayweather even with this draw.
I still want to get i think about it.
I still want to get to um chavez’s record now, like it’s 89 and over one draw yeah.
Okay, that’s i wanted to pass by these guys.
You know i want to be the goat.
You want to be the greatest of all time.
That’S it man! That’S that’s that you know we can all strive to want to be that you’re.
Definitely on your way! There.
That’S for sure um do you want to be loved or you want to be feared.
I want to be both.
I hate someone.
If they don’t love me they’re, going to fear me, that’s it [, Music ].
I do want to be okay.
I don’t want to just follow the footsteps of floyd.
Have everybody hate him? I love.
I love the love that fans give me.
I love being connected to people, i love being humble and being cool.
You know yeah.
I fully understand you know you got ta, be gon na, be a humble person and and be loved to be a great champion, and you know what that’s you you’re on your you’re on your way.
Definitely you have the recipe to make it happen.
You know we’re just gon na see you’re you’re, so young in this game.
Already man – and you know you got a long career ahead of you.
I can’t wait to see what you’re gon na accomplish it’s gon na be great we’re all behind you.
You know here talk and fight where i’m definitely behind you man.
I i’ve put all my fans on to you to show them.
You know this is this is what the youth of boxing looked like today and you know i’m not worried.
The the future of boxing is in hands like yours, and you know all these other young cats that are coming up and definitely i’m i’m pretty i’m pretty chill now.
I know i know we’re going in a good place, because the guys like you um, is there, is there any other like? Is there any fighters that you look up to, or you know, as a role model right now, presently uh, i’m right to fema lopez, uh meyer, how he um called out considered best fighters to ever freaking live love, machenko how he called them out and he beat Him i respect that admire that that man has balls.
He has balls of steel uh about it guys, like 135, like right now, i’m 126.
i’ll give them that credit.
Like ryan garcia.
Like i know from the amateurs i love what he did.
I love how he built himself up what he did for his family and himself.
So, like everybody right now, all the champions you know, i’m just i’m inspired, that’s it um.
Do you have any uh extracurricular activities that you do outside of boxing and or is it just like you’re you’re, 100 gym bound every day, kind of thing, yeah man, i’m a psychopath.
Each sleep gym box.
That’S it yeah pretty much.
It’S not the easiest life, but that’s how it is like.
Don’T get me wrong.
The other thing’s interesting me too, but it is it’s all i do it’s really all i do my like, and my coach is worried about me.
He’S like man, you don’t even go out like a regular kid you’re, just in the gym every day every day you know, you know what it’s gon na pay off it will it.
Definitely it definitely will so.
I guess i guess your coach is a big influence in your life too right, uh i’ll, tell my father your father’s me.
My father is my coach.
Actually i’ve had i’ve had talks with him a few times over.
Instead, you know he’s a great guy.
He supports you, 100, you know great person, he you know what and uh, and you know we talk, we talk quite often and yeah he’s very proud of you and all your accomplishments and you yeah.
Definitely, i was you know to saying: hey man he’s gon na knock him out next one and he’s like no no hold on hold on just slow, we’re gon na take one at a time.
So you guys got your game methodically planned out, which is great.
Describe your daily routine when uh, when you’re getting ready for a fight like uh when you enter fight camp, how long is your camp um and you know what is your daily routine like that, it’s a little different? Now it’s going to be changing for the better! Since this last fight and how people was, you know like the fighting was impressive, but before that going to mexico and everything with the pandemic, it’s been kind of hard because a lot of fights have been cancelled.
So i had to be training my ass off, like the whole year like staying in fight shape because you never know when you’re gon na get that car to fight.
You know like yeah, despite the april 22nd fight i just had.
It was supposed to be april.
8Th so awesome in camp, because i fought march 20th, so i have no time to rest.
You know how, like your condition, it slightly goes down because he was weight cutting and you know he wasn’t training that’s hard.
He was just losing weight.
I had to get myself back in prime shape and then i had to fight again, so it was just back to back to back.
It was like no time to actually like prepare for something.
So next fight is going to be easier because i might have about six eight weeks to specifically prepare for one person.
Okay, so the pandemics uh put up, you know, put me pretty hard for you actually to train for some of these fights, but you got to stay so you got to stay in shape just in case a fight comes up so, like you could get a call Say a week from now, would you be able to step in a ring a week from now? Would you be ready? I got a little cut under my eye um.
So, first pro fight, let’s uh, let’s talk about first time you knocked a man out in the pro series.
What describe that feeling? What it felt like to just you know put that guy to sleep man put that guy to sleep.
I was mad because the first second of the first round, the little dude rocked me, the little do rock me.
Man hit me with a freaking overhand right.
I don’t know how the hell you hit me like.
Like you know, this is my first time fighting without a head gear, so i’m like all right what to expect.
You know i’m like in there being smart java to do it for some reason i turned around like this.
The dudes held the hell out of me.
Oh [ __ ] man, this little dude really just hurt me right now, but i wasn’t worried already smart approach.
Like five seconds later.
You know i hit him with a uh.
What was it? A lever? Shot boom dropped him 10 seconds later it was like a solar play, shot boom dropped them again and then about like a minute later before the first round ended.
I knocked him out with a body shot and the fight was over and yeah.
All i got to say that was that was a good experience.
Man uh good feeling, good feeling of accomplishment.
I guess all the hard work pays off.
You put the guy out in the first and just makes you feel happy.
You fork it’s going to feel even better.
This next fight is going to be the best feeling ever do you know, do you know who you’re fighting? I want the rematch to get the rematch you’re gon na get the rematch eh.
Okay, yeah we’re bringing to him hard this time right.
Can you say it again? You know you’re gon na bring it to a real hard.
This time that was the problem.
Last time i was trying to bully him this time.
I’M gon na beat him.
I’M gon na beat him easy.
I’M gon na make this fight for myself.
Besides fighting this fight, you know because, like all he could do is brawl.
He can’t set set me up with any counter shots, or nothing can only use.
My brain a little more but yeah man that’s going to be the best feeling ever to be in there and beating this guy.
You know i got to clear it up like canelo, like man, that one mayweather last night and i was like damn canelo was undefeated, but they had to say 43 and over one draw yeah and then and then yeah you got to avenge it right.
You got to avenge that draw that that blemish um.
What’S up, what’s your favorite punch man, what would you like to what would you like to throw the most uh yeah? Let’S see, that’s that’s! That’S the finisher! That’S the finisher! Combo um! You could say it like takes my opponent off [ Music ] left hand lead uppercut every shot um when stepping into the ring one step in the ring with an opponent.
I know you’re fast, you’re super fast.
I watch your hands, you got great hand speed.
You know everybody who everybody who follows you on instagram speed man, we’ve all seen those reels um when you step into the ring.
Have you fought an opponent, that’s faster than you, and what did you do to um? You know, persevere and come out on top in that situation.
There’S not too many people really faster than me.
It’S people that, like you, know no more faster combinations because they’re not already sitting on them, but speed, really like when i get in there with somebody like just as fast to me, i get faster.
It’S weird.
I actually kind of slow myself down when i’m in there with somebody slow, but if i don’t fight somebody faster than me, i’m just having time, which i kind of think is going to be hard to find.
Somebody like you, know, really bastard.
I split the shot up.
You know stuff like that, like mayweather and pacquiao like pacquiao, you can’t say it’s really faster than floyd.
He just goes faster combinations, but floyd is like quicker off the draw.
You can say that.
Does it take a lot of work to become super fast like you is, it is spend a lot of time in the gym working on on speed.
Drills is sometimes i look like he’s fast, but he ain’t going like his fastest as fast um.
What’S your favorite? What’S your favorite fight out of your out of your career like out of your career right now, if you could call one your flashback’s, your favorite yep, is it because you learned something from it: uh, yeah and because it was on tv, [, Laughter, ]? That’S it! That’S it the next one’s gon na be on tv yep.
Definitely i can’t wait to see that man, and so we’re gon na definitely have to let us know when it’s gon na happen um what um, what what? What do you think separates you from everybody else? In your weight class right now that that makes you the athlete that you are my youth um, i’m younger than everybody, my mindset, my dedication, my attitude, my attitude towards the sport and towards uh how i do with everything you know, um.
Okay, that that being said, um, if you could have a dream, fight, dream fight, uh i’ll, tell you real, quick, i’m gon na get my charges.
Okay, okay, no problem! No problem grab your charger.
This is gon na be good.
I can’t wait to hear this answer.
Dream fights got, ta, love them got ta, love them fight fans.
You know where it’s at sheila walker, so so dream fight, dream fight.
Who, who would be a dream fight today? For you can you fight for me it will be my favorite fighter.
Okay, never know, okay, why why? Why would it be? Why would it be your dream fight right now, because uh he’s considered the greatest featherweight of all time, and i want to be the greatest fighter of all time and you know you got ta the best got to beat the best, and i don’t know if it Was a draw, i think he had a loss before like he became like you know, starving him in the top guy, but i look up to guys like that that could bounce back it’s hard to do you know not a lot of people can do it.
It’S kind of, like you, know, a pretty good skill to have um yo.
Your defense, your defense is on is on point man.
I know i’ve seen you guys trying to hit you and you just you, can you can duck and dodge and move? And honestly, you probably win a limbo contest.
To be honest, the way you can dump that low um.
How like describe some of the drills you got to do to work on like to to achieve that kind of ability to achieve great defense yeah like what kind of drills you do to be able to duck and dodge all that like is it um? I spar pro fighters that beat people up for a living.
That’S a great answer.
Man i like that.
Okay, so are somebody’s to beat your head in and eventually you’re going to duck and dodge out of the way you don’t want to get hit by him.
You don’t want to get knocked out.
You know i’ll be at the wildcard gym sparring with this um filipino fighter named mark missile and that dude is a knockout pusher fast right hand like right when you throw a punch, he’s countering on you and you know, like you, don’t want to get knocked out In front of freddie roach, you know no, no, i guess not, because you don’t want to get knocked out in front of freddie rubs.
You know, like other type of fighting, we keep hitting me with something i’m gon na figure out like all right he’s hitting me with this.
Let me move my head, i don’t i don’t get white fighters i’ll think like that, like, if i’m hitting you with the same punch, make sure you don’t get hit with that punch.
No more.
It’S not hard like block it.
Perry split.
Do something.
You know what it’s almost, it’s almost like playing chess right like fighting, it’s like it’s a mental game, yeah exactly.
I got a question for you.
I’Ve asked this has been.
This has been like one of my things that i’ve i’ve said for a long time like people say that boxing, you know it’s dying off is like a sport.
I believe you know it’s coming back with some of the things that are going on.
What do you think about four ounce gloves if they were to lower the the outs of the gloves? A lot of people were getting knocked out exactly exactly that’s what we like.
That’S a wheelie! That’S what i like! That’S what i like, i like guys, who get knocked out right so would be shorter fights right yeah.
Would you would you wear four i’m supposed to get in the ring with somebody uh casey again? Would you would you, would you put on some four-hour clothes and get in the ring yeah i’ll go into ufc? You know, i love it man, i love it.
That’S awesome.
That’S awesome.
Four ounce claws are the way to go man good good way to go.
That’S what we love here, man um, honestly hate you more glass brother.
I honestly enjoy this conversation that we’ve had um.
You will have to pay me more to wear some four ounces.
That’S right! That’S right! It could be some more damage right, so you got to get paid more to get in there.
Oh yeah man, i already get low cuts.
Little bumps, i don’t know, what’s gon na happen with four ounces, probably my whole job will get discolorated.
I can’t probably gon na fall off.
You know, hopefully not.
Hopefully it’s the other guy, that’s getting his head knocked off right, hey, i hope so i don’t know what four ounces whoo.
That’S a deadly conversation.
What do you think? What do you think would um would help bring boxing to uh to a new fan base um fighters like me, spiders the younger generation.
I feel that we’re bringing it back.
I want you to say slowly bringing it back.
I feel like how everything is going with social media and how boxing has like a romantic place in everybody’s heart.
Boxing always be there.
It’S just you want to need box is always going to need that start and keep the fans coming.
You know what i’m saying: you’re always going to need that mayweather, that de la hoya that pacquiao so yeah, so you need those you need those goats man to keep to keep it alive.
So that being said, do you think, do you think what jake paul is doing now is? Is helping or hurting the sport uh it’s helping because that’s bringing eyes on it.
You know it says i don’t like about it, but there’s certain things that i can’t deny you know what i’m saying.
I don’t like how he said.
Youtube was easier than boxing.
That was a little disrespectful and i don’t know how his third fight he’s already making a million dollars, but [ __ ].
My third fight.
I was only making weight a hundred dollars.
I don’t know, i don’t even think i got paid my third fight.
You know what i’m saying like so so the pa.
The pay scale is unfair, really because you know it’s yeah, but i understand, though i understand he brings in the audience, he’s a youtube guy.
A lot of people know him.
You know i can’t knock him.
He’S a youtube guy that got hands, he could fight, he can’t fight like a boxer, but he could fight, and i respect that so i got the ill to say tourism.
You know what honestly, i believe, i believe, he’s doing good things for the sport, but then there’s also the things that i believe that he’s not doing good for the sport.
But i do give him respect because yeah he can throw hands, and you know what it’s good to hear a boxer’s side of you and um.
Do you? Do you believe that? Do you believe that the youth of boxing today doesn’t really have the right kind of platforms to get their names out there yeah yeah? To the extent it’s not impossible, you know we just just needs better marketing.
A lot of fighters got to start doing what i’m doing now.
You know we have the social media.
Yeah people love boxing, people love seeing a fight.
You know people love that people want to eat that up.
We just have to show ourselves more.
We have to be on tv, we have to do documentaries, we have to be on tv shows.
We got ta have um guest appearances on talk, shows stuff like that, so just more more getting yourself out there more just you know doing the social media see fight fans, i’m telling you man around the world.
This is what you got to do.
Man you got to get on your social media, like we, we’ve created our platform over at talking fight.
Now uh we sent you your link for your for your profile, where you can upload all your fight footage that gets seen by all our viewers around the world, and you know we’re trying to help.
You know young fighters get noticed then and get out there and get that name, because you know there’s fighters like you that that aren’t known that have such such good.
You know good ability to fight in the ring and put on a great show, and it’s just it’s upsetting that a lot of guys.
You know go unnoticed, and, and you know they got to work their ass off to to get little little out of it, and honestly i give it.
I give it to them men, because they, you know they have that heart that keeps them going at it.
Even though it’s not it’s not all the glitz and glamour, they thought it was going to be um.
That being said, man, i’m honestly, i’m so impressed with.
You know your career so far, um describe which one do you think is your worst performance out of all your fights so far, and and what did you do to separate and then work on it? Well, that’s what it is my best performance, okay, honest assessment.
Now, i’m still an undefeated fighter.
Well, i’m not saying i don’t care about being undefeated.
Of course i care about that.
But people put too much importance in that, but i still have my hope.
But now it’s like every time they say my rank they’re like oh jalen, it’s 42-0 41 knockouts zero loss is one draw.
There’S always going to be somebody trying to criticize have something to say.
Even if i go back in beat the hell out the guy, you know they still going to have something to say and that’s fair.
So all this all all in all, i can say that fight was my best and my worst performance.
You know i i fully understand man and you know what it’s it’s.
It’S that kind of thought and that kind of mentality – man, that’s uh – that shows that you’re already a veteran so young into this game.
Honestly, i was gon na say that i was gon na, say man.
I know i only got about how many persons i have.
I have nine fights i was like.
I only got nine fights, but that fight man.
I feel like a veteran right now.
Yeah, definitely definitely that’s yo.
You have that you have that veteran attitude.
You have a veteran attitude.
You know like, i feel kind of like like manny pacquiao.
You know like he had two losses before he became a star.
Well, actually, three losses before he beat de la hoya and that’s what i feel like like a draw is not a loss, but it’s still like it’s it’s adversity and i’m glad i faced it.
You know awesome, that’s great man, that’s great such a great attitude, such a great attitude um when you’re done when you’re done with this sport and the sport’s done with you and you’re ready to hang it up and retire and move on to you know pursue other Things what what’s your legacy? What do you want to leave behind uh? First thing: i don’t want the sport to be done with me.
I wanted to go as i’m done with the sport because, like them being done with me, that’s means that i’ve been getting beat up: okay, okay, okay, we’ll reword it when you’re done with the sport and and you’re no longer competing uh.
What i’ve done with the sport? The only blemish i want on my record is that freaking draw that’s awesome.
I want to go as high.
I want to surpass, maybe whether it’s 50, you know i want to go 60.
I want to go real far.
I want to well i’m gon na stay undefeated, i’m gon na have that draw, and i want to go down as to go.
I want people to be arguing at barbershops who wouldn’t want me or mayweather or which, on this that’s what i want: okay, okay, yo.
I like that man.
That’S that’s wicked! That’S great! That being said, jalen i know you’re a busy busy man uh.
Thank you for taking this time out today to talk to us.
I know our fans around the world are gon na love.
This man, i’ve been talking about you, for you know, since the beginning of knuckle up, i’m so happy that you came on man uh.
I definitely want to get you back on for an interview after your next fight after your next victory, uh yeah – and you know, thanks again for coming on knuckle up fans around the world.
You know what it is man, that’s my car at four with your boy.
Jaylen skye walker, eight, oh and one mr knockout, mr knockout he’s gon na he’s gon na come back next time after his big win and we’re gon na talk to him again for sure guys, if you like it share it.
Jab that, like hook subscribe, knock out.
Those comments and we’ll see you tomorrow for female friday,
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